case studies

Client's Health Objective with IThrive (How did Ajay Purty treat his IBS, anxiety and gained back the weight he lost)

His Story

09/ 04 / 2022

Ajay Purty remembers the day his health problems started very vividly. It was 22nd November 2022; mere months after he had taken the first dose of COVID vaccination. He was enjoying a plate of biryani when he started feeling funny. His chest tightened, breathing became erratic and his heart palpitated strongly enough that he feared he was having a heart attack. Scared and out of wits he rushed to the hospital.

There he was given medicines and sent home. But he was back at the hospital the very next day, showcasing the same symptoms. The hospital diagnosed him with gut issues and IBS. He was given medications for Normaxin (given to treat IBS symptoms like gas and stomach discomfort). The medications made him feel better, but it never lasted long.

Despite his continued medications, his weight dropped rapidly, fatigue and abdominal discomfort had become a normal thing. Like many of our clients, Ajay had become tired of the recurring cycle of visiting the doctor with no permanent solution in sight. Our first step to meet his expectations was getting a thorough blood analysis to find the root cause.

Ajay’s Primary Health Issues

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder where people suffer from digestive issues, changes in bowel patterns, abdominal pain, nausea, bloating and more. It is usually triggered by particular food items, stress, constipation, or diarrhea. Many go about their life without their IBS getting detected as it is pretty similar to other digestive issues and is chalked out as a normal reaction to bad food habits. Ajay’s IBS would be triggered due to stress.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is the body’s reaction to danger. Stress of any kind is perceived as a danger, causing anxiety. When a person’s anxiety surfaces persistently and its frequency extends longer than normal, the person has an anxiety disorder. The primary reason for anxiety disorder is neurological imbalance. As per functional nutrition, many factors lead to neurological imbalance including gut dysbiosis and nutritional imbalances. For Ajay, the stress of his personal and professional life along with nutritional deficiencies (will be discussed below) and gut issues compounded his anxiety disorder.

Declining Weight

Unexplained weight loss is a sign of serious health concerns, including stress. Ajay’s anxiety disorder and poor nutrient absorption due to IBS led to a rapid decline in his weight.

Root Cause Analysis

On his journey with iThrive, Ajay first got a comprehensive root cause analysis report, during which his blood tests were analysed using optimal ranges (this procedure is unique to functional nutrition). The evaluation uncovered a few key causes of his health issues.

High Homocysteine

Ajay’s homocysteine level was reported as 49.3μmol/L. Optimal homocysteine levels (as per functional nutrition standards) should be between 5 - 9 μmol/L. High homocysteine can be an indicator of several sources of trouble. These include kidney dysfunction, vitamin B6, B12 and folate deficiency, methylation dysfunction and oxidative stress.

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Sam Parker
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Nutritional Deficiency

Ajay's low BUN (blood urea nitrogen) levels signaled protein deficiency. Deficiency of micronutrients like zinc, vitamin D, and B complex worsened Ajay's IBS. High levels of homocysteine were indicative of these deficiencies. Gut Dysbiosis also links to these deficiencies.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Electrolyte Imbalance

The kidney plays a crucial role in regulating and maintaining the balance of electrolytes and fluids through retention and excretion. The electrolyte imbalance reported in Ajay’s root cause analysis signified kidney dysfunction along with water-electrolyte imbalances.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Ajay’s blood reports indicated his thyroid-stimulating hormone (Ultrasensitive TSH) was high and thyroid hormone thyroxine (Free T4) was low. This signifies that the thyroid is not producing enough thyroid hormones. The imbalance suggests Hypothyroidism.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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iThrive's Intervention

The first intervention was to eliminate inflammatory foods from Ajay's diet. Foods known to trigger gut issues, such as gluten and dairy, were removed. In their place, a balanced and anti-inflammatory diet was introduced. Ajay's meals were tailored to include a diverse range of nutrient-rich foods like ragi and jowar roti for lunch, and khichdi for dinner. His intake of healthy proteins and fats was carefully monitored to support weight gain and energy levels.

Supplementation and Targeted Support

To address Ajay's nutritional deficiencies and support his digestive health, team iThrive developed a customized supplementation regimen. Supplements such as ashwagandha were included to help manage his stress and anxiety levels. Kelp, rich in iodine, supported thyroid function, while super enzymes facilitated better digestion, and TMG (trimethylglycine) helped to lower homocysteine levels, improving cardiovascular health. This holistic approach not only targeted Ajay’s immediate symptoms but also laid the foundation for long-term wellness.

Month-by-Month Progress

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

First Month

In the first month, the focus was on dietary adjustments and supplementation. The elimination of inflammatory foods brought immediate relief to Ajay’s digestive issues, significantly reducing bloating and gas. The inclusion of anti-inflammatory foods and proper protein sources improved his overall digestive health. Ajay was introduced to foods rich in fiber and beneficial nutrients like papaya and alfalfa sprouts, which helped soothe his gut and improve bowel movements. His water intake was also optimized to include coconut water and fresh juices, which kept him hydrated and supported his digestive system.

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

Second Month

By the second month, Ajay experienced remarkable improvements. All his initial symptoms had disappeared, and he no longer suffered from bloating, stomach discomfort, or anxiety. With his digestive issues under control, iThrive shifted the focus to Ajay’s weight management. More protein and healthy fats were incorporated into his diet, which helped him gain 2 kg by the end of the month. Ajay reported higher energy levels and a sense of calm and organization, reflecting the positive impact of his balanced diet and supplementation.

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

third Month

At the start of the third month, Ajay underwent a brief detox program. iThrive designed a four-day detox to cleanse his system without significantly reducing his caloric intake, ensuring that Ajay maintained his energy levels and nutritional balance. The detox aimed to eliminate any remaining toxins and reset his digestive system, further enhancing the benefits he had already achieved. Post-detox, Ajay felt rejuvenated and more in tune with his body’s needs.

Lifestyle and Ongoing Support

Ajay’s journey with iThrive also included lifestyle modifications to support his mental and physical well-being. Despite his busy schedule, Ajay was encouraged to continue with yoga and mindfulness practices to manage stress. Regular follow-ups and continuous support from iThrive ensured that Ajay stayed on track with his health goals and maintained his new lifestyle habits.

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