case studies

How Milton Pereira lost weight and re-gained control of his blood sugar levels.

His Story

09/ 04 / 2022

Mr. Milton Pereira works in the IT professional field, leading him to live a sedentary lifestyle unfit for any being. Desk-bound and chained to a certain preemptive of his health, Mr. Pereira’s approach with iThrive accelerated along his wife’s journey with us. Her persistence helped him meet the team and find a cautionary source to his sickness woes, restoring his belief in holistic health & regaining the opportunity to find himself.

iThrive’s RCA helped him further with this predicament, shedding light on any bearings on his root cause. His primary health database revealed several important findings, some of which include -

Mr. Milton’s Primary Health Issues

Low Energy Levels

Fatigue is the medical term used for an overall feeling of low energy and tiredness. It can be a manifestation of a health condition, but it also carries its own symptoms, ranging from aching muscles to an ardent lack of motivation. Milton’s low energy levels were an attribution to his BP, and were also caused by constant fluctuations in his fat-compounded diet.


Constipation occurs when your bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass. It happens most often due to changes in diet or routine, or due to an inadequate intake of fiber. Milton’s digestive issues had been caused by a sedentary lifestyle, as well as a certain leniency towards mindful food consumption.

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition in which one’s blood vessels have persistently raised stress flowing through. Blood pressure is created by the force of blood pushing against the vessels, & the higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump. Milton’s hypertension was often elevated due to stress, accredited to him being a professional in a bustling IT workplace.

Root Cause Analysis

At the beginning of his journey alongside iThrive, Milton was suggested to schedule an RCA with us. His decision to do the same, and a regular follow-up session, allowed us to uncover certain truths we hadn’t before.

Fatty Liver

Although not much of an alcoholic, Milton’s high-fat diet and a history of eating outside had caused a heavy fat buildup in his liver. An irregular regimen of exercise impeded his capacity to burn fat, slowing down his metabolic rate as well.

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Sam Parker
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Micronutrient Deficiencies

Micronutrient deficiency is defined as a lack of essential vitamins and minerals that are required in small amounts by the body for proper growth and development. Milton’s micronutrient deficiency was caused by several gut issues and lack of a balanced diet.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Infection and Inflammation

The consumption of seed oil increases the risk of inflammation, which is what occurred in Milton’s case. Environmental agents such as contaminated food and water could lead to infection within his body; adding to his case as well.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is when the cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t take up glucose easily from your blood. As a result, your pancreas makes more insulin to help glucose enter your cellular wall. Milton’s family history was also a major factor we took into account as a tentative cause for his insulin resistance.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Oxidative Stress

An improper diet can increase the amount of free radicals in the body, a condition known as oxidative stress. As Milton’s eating habits were not particularly mindful, there was an increase in free radicals in his body. Consequently, his cells were under oxidative stress, which in turn contributed to his health issues.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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iThrive's Intervention

The first intervention was to eliminate inflammatory foods from Milton’s diet. Foods known to trigger a spike in his blood sugar (such as dairy or sugar) were eliminated, and replaced with a nutrient rich diet to be continuously monitored alongside his sugar levels.

Supplementation and Targeted Support

To address Milton’s nutritional deficiencies & overall support of his digestive health, iThrive developed a customized supplementation regimen unique to him. Supplements such as CoQ10 aided in the control of his blood pressure. Immune Support assists in the combating of diseases, as B-complex helped in the treatment of his deficiency. Magnesium supplements curbed cravings and stress, as Krill Oil improved omega-3 levels in his body. Zinc helped in improving immunity, along with probiotics and vitamin D3. Milton’s dedicated adherence to his supplementation & health allowed for any deficiencies to be addressed and healed. This holistic approach not only targeted his immediate symptoms but also laid the foundation for a prolonged long-term wellness routine.

The Healing Story and Post protocol Analysis details

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

First Month

The first month shed focus on eliminating inflammatory foods, to treat his recurring digestive problems. Several home remedies, such as smoothies, were introduced, & turned into a righteous, regular part of his diet. A customized supplement list for him improved his nutrient status and his levels of energy were balanced by herbs. Regular meditation helped him even out his BP levels, and the stress decreased leading to improved heart health.

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

Second Month

In the second month, the focus shifted from elimination to weight management, as a low-carb diet protocol was set for the upcoming days. The improvement in his food choice was reflected in his zeal, as his digestive symptoms came across as next to nil. He showed good weight loss by strictly following his diet, and religiously adding in a good source of protein. Consistent exercise & meditation reduced any stress levels, cohesively contributing to his coveted weight goal. 

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

third Month

By the end of the third month, he was initiated into a detox, a 9-day program showing optimal results. He lost 3 kgs in 9 days detox. Post-detox, Milton felt rejuvenated, now more in tune with his body’s needs. 

Lifestyle and Ongoing Support

Milton’s journey with iThrive also included lifestyle modifications in order to support his mental and physical well-being. His dedication and enthusiasm to every dietary recommendation has allowed him to stay in touch with us for a maintenance programme as well. For the past two years, Milton has been continuing physical exercise as well as finding peace in solitary meditation. Regular follow-ups and continuous support from iThrive have helped Milton stay attuned to his body and witness the very miracle that is Life. 

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