case studies

How Saumya Kejriwal lost weight, redefined her PCOS and dealt with her overall health issues. 

Her Story

09/ 04 / 2022

Like any other corporate consultant exhausted from a long day, Saumya had ordered in. From one day to the next, takeaway turned into a habit, the convenience of a prepared meal becoming unparalleled to its bill.

While married, Saumya observed the delivery of a meal from scratch, attributed by her husband’s healthy eating habits and overall mindfulness of his health. Despite regular cardio exercise and strength training, she was unable to lose weight. The realization that her micronutrient values & overall well-being can be enhanced by a simple home-cooked meal had taken a drastic turnover in her mind, bringing her to the conclusion that she needed help.

Coming to iThrive was a personal choice, her first step taken towards her PCOS goal. She aimed to lose postpartum weight and shed the extra kilos, achieving renewed hormonal health and an overall mindful being.

Saumya’s Primary Health Issues


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age. PCOS can cause hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, excess androgen levels, and ovarian cysts. It is the leading cause of infertility. Saumya’s PCOS could have been caused by insulin resistance and lifestyle factors.

Weight Gain

Weight gain is when one’s weight increases due to changes in one’s body composition, like increased fat, muscle, or fluids. It is normal for people to experience weight changes throughout different stages of life, including puberty, pregnancy, and ageing. Saumya’s weight gain was attributed towards her unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. 


Constipation is a common condition that occurs when bowel movements are infrequent, uncomfortable, or difficult to pass. Generally, a person is constipated when he/she is not able to pass stool more than 3 times a week. Saumya’s constipation had occurred due to an imbalance in her gut microbiome, leading her to go for iThrive’s Root Cause Analysis.

Root Cause Analysis

iThrive’s RCA protocol is a unique, comprehensive report of her blood biology, evaluating certain inconsistencies that may not have been caught otherwise. The review uncovered a few key root causes of her health woes.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance happens when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from your blood. Insulin resistance can lead to the production of smaller eggs or delayed production of eggs. In Saumya’s case, her insulin resistance was triggered by PCOS, as insulin resistance is one of the root physiological imbalances in most of the cases of PCOS

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Sam Parker
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Infection and Inflammation

An infection is when a microorganism, such as a virus, bacteria, or fungi, enters the body and causes harm. A response to an infection, injury or disease triggered by your bodily systems is known as inflammation. Saumya’s increase of WBCs in her blood markers was an acute sign of infection, as ESR and hsCRP testing showed high signs of inflammation.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage. Saumya’s reactive oxygen species were on the higher side due to a lack of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory rich foods in her diet.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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Micronutrient Deficiency

A micronutrient deficiency is defined as a lack of essential vitamins and minerals required in small amounts by the body. Saumya’s improper diet had led to hair fall, her skin and hair being affected by her micronutrient deficiency.

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Sam Parker
VP of Marketing at Twitter
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iThrive's Intervention

The first intervention was to eliminate inflammatory foods from Saumya’s diet. Foods known to trigger gut issues, such as gluten and dairy, were promptly removed, and Saumya’s water intake was monitored. In its place, a balanced and anti-inflammatory diet was introduced; enriched with recipes such as kale salads or khichdi. 

Supplementation and Targeted Support

In order to address Saumya’s nutritional deficiencies & support her overall digestive health, iThrive developed a customized supplementation regimen for her. Supplements such as Zinc, Vitamin D3 and K2 were administered in order to address certain common deficiencies, while Probiotics were registered for improved gut health. TMG was prioritized in order to bring down her homocysteine levels, as Thorne Stress B-Complex helped correct her deficiency of B vitamins. Magnesium Glycinate helped with her constipation and cured her magnesium deficiency. Silymarin Milk Thistle helped support her liver health, and organic ashwagandha was assisted as an adrenal support. This holistic approach not only targeted Saumya’s immediate symptoms but laid a foundation for long-term wellness as well.

The Healing Story and Post protocol Analysis details

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

First Month

In the first month, our main focus was on eliminating inflammatory foods from her diet and improving her water intake. We also designed a customized supplement list for Saumya that would help improve her micronutrient status, and added certain herbs such as kelp, for improving her thyroid levels. We tried several home remedies such as arugula, pineapple, and aloe-coconut-chia water to help reduce her digestive symptoms in constipation as well. The initial month primarily focused on regulating her bad eating habits and food choices.

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

Second Month

In the second month, we started focusing on her weight. We monitored her portion sizes and added more nutritious recipes in her protocol. She reported admirable results with her weight and better energy levels. Eliminating gluten and other inflammatory foods helped in diminishing constipation symptoms completely, allowing us to focus on reducing her weight as well.

Customized Protocol

What are the suggestive approaches for Client's conditions

third Month

The detox program we chose for Saumya included a meditation schedule to be followed everyday. Her mental health notably improved by the end of the third month, attributed to her meditating before sleep. Her PCOS symptoms were drastically reduced, assisting in better thyroid health and enhancing her energy levels as well. The detox aimed at eliminating any remaining toxins, further improving the benefits her system had already achieved. 

Lifestyle and Ongoing Support

With a diminished micronutrient deficiency and an overall energy gain, Saumya happily reports a loss of 5kg and relief from constipation. With a well-set world of exercise, her dietary choices helped her clear her skin; with better food choices advocating for a better life. She showed an improved CBC panel, and a better pattern of sleep - her lifestyle now supporting her levels of insulin. Regular follow-ups and continuous support from iThrive ensure that Saumya stays on track with her health goals, never wavering to a diet that is anything but whole. Saumya now follows her husband’s dietary lifestyle and is the epitome of a cause that can heal well on its own.

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