
The Basics of Becoming a Functional Nutritionist

The Basics of Becoming a Functional Nutritionist

This global pandemic has taught one thing to all of us; ‘Your health is the most important commodity you own.’ The determination to lead a healthier lifestyle has taken over communities worldwide. But why stop at just healthier when you can lead the healthiest, Disease Free life along with your friends and family.

Functional Nutrition is for all obsessed with obtaining and leading a life of optimal health. 

Functional Nutrition is a novel, holistic way of healing that any health-conscious person can follow. It’s the best practice to follow when the end goal is a life full of energy, no health problems and devoid of chronic diseases.

Functional medicine and functional Nutrition are often used interchangeably and are becoming recognized as an effective approach for healing various health issues. Functional Nutrition is related to Functional Medicine, with a key distinction. While Functional medicine is practiced only by doctors in clinical settings, Functional Nutrition is a modality that can be used alone or complement a physician, naturopath, or other health practitioner. 

What Does a Functional Nutritionist Do?

To be candid, a Functional Nutritionist fills a specific gap created between a doctor and a patient. This gap is generated when a doctor only looks at a patient as a disease to be treated while the patient keeps looking for ways to be healed completely, not out of a singular symptom but as a whole. 

A Functional Nutritionist uncovers the true root causes of a patient’s signs and symptoms, with a deep understanding of food, physiology, and humanity/ human mind fabricates programmes to bring relief.

To eliminate the threat of chronic disease or bring about disease reversal, a Functional Nutritionist takes a holistic approach to health, combining food, sleep, stress, fitness, and harmful environmental variables.

How To Become A Functional Nutrition Practitioner

The only thing one requires to become a Functional Nutritionist is a passion for healthy living and a desire to help your community do so too.

iThrive Academy offers you tools to turn the tide against chronic diseases and help others reinstate their overall bodily functioning to the optimum. 

iThrive Academy provides a four-month certification course programmed not just for the nutritionists and dieticians but for all who wish to become healthcare professionals.   

iThrive’s Functional Nutrition Program

iThrive is a revolutionary health and wellness startup that focuses on reversing chronic health conditions and lifestyle diseases through Functional Nutrition using root cause analysis

iThrive Academy provides an online Functional Nutrition mastery course which includes six classes weekly with 75 plus hours of video lectures. After the end of the four-month program, you will be a certified healthcare professional who also has the option of building their career as a Functional Nutritionist affiliated with iThrive.

Functional Nutrition is the future of healthcare, not because it’s new or fancy, but because it brings us back to the foundation of what healthcare should be about — the patient’s needs.

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