case studies

Mr. Ajay Purty

How did Ajay Purty treat his IBS, anxiety and gained back the weight he lost

Ajay Purty, a man in his late thirties who never suffered more than the usual acidity, experienced a rapidly deteriorating health after a sudden anxiety attack. His health went from being almost perfect to recurring abdominal pains, anxiety issues, Blood Pressure problems and a declining weight. Periodic medical interventions gave him no more than a few days of reprieve before the symptoms were back again. That’s when he came to us.

(IBS Patient)
Sameer Geepee
How Sameer Geepee, a Dubai-based lifestyle coach, rectified his diabetes and set an example for the same.

A chubby, year 6 kid with an avid hunger for adventure, who’s never dreamt of traversing to the ‘thinner’ side. An epitome of innocence, who knows only the taste of home, and has never had to count his calories until today.

Ex Diabetes Patient
Milton Pereira
How Milton Pereira lost weight and re-gained control of his blood sugar levels.

Skeptical to join our program from the start, Mr. Pereira was coaxed into it by his wife. Her success story pushed him further onboard, starting a journey with us he might never forget - his irregular regimens of working out were re-organised, and his digestive issues resolved

Ex Weight Loss Patient
Saumya Kejriwal
How Saumya Kejriwal lost weight, redefined her PCOS and dealt with her overall health issues.

Saumya Kejriwal, a 36-year-old Social Media Consultant with a love for eating out, found her habits slowly shifting towards unhealthy practices. And then she found health-conscious husband who has been a great inspiration for her. Determined to address her hormonal issues and take control of her well-being, Saumya turned to iThrive and embarked on a transformative journey with us.

Ex PCOS Patient

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what clients are saying...

Chitra Mallya

Very dedicated, supportive and kind guides. Helped me push my boundaries to adopt a new way of life. I had unhealthy eating habits that were affecting my immunity, energy levels and other bio-markers in my blood test reports that would have led to serious health problems in the long run. I came across iThrive and decided to give it a shot. I'm happy with my post protocol results and I hope to continue with my new lifestyle and habits.

Vishal Shah

I got my life back with iThrive. I had Rhematoid Arthritis and Uveitis. I was fed up with Allopathy, Ayurveda and Siddha medications. In 2022 I was rescued from death by team of ithrive and have recovered back, Now my parents have also taken up their service and have found profound improvement in their health. I found their research work to be very deep and impactful.  Functional nutrition is the future!!!

Abhishek Doshi

iThrive is leading the functional nutrition practice. Their way of healing is extremely scientific and we'll researched. I experienced a change in lifestyle and consequently my health as well. Their team, their analysis of the root cause and the supplementation goes a long way in ones healing journey! It's taught me realise the value of mindful living!

Dwija Bagwe

I had an amazing experience with iThrive. Huge appreciation to my nutritionist Shayonika for helping and guiding me through the Alive program! I struggled with PCOS and couldn't get satisfactory results with allopathic, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines. But through the alive program, all my health concerns were addressed and improved. iThrive's team really focussed on all aspects of my health and supported me throughout the process. I am very grateful to them for helping me build a very healthy lifestyle!

Pranav Kumar

Would highly recommend the iThrive RCA, helped me understand my health down to the minutest details. Planning to enroll in the Alive program to work on myself and mainly my liver health.

Ravi Kumar N

Innovative way to get healed holistically.
Highly recommend their program.
While their entire team was very helpful, Apeksha in particular actively worked with me through the entire journey. Thanks Apeksha for your patience while navigating through my schedule and making this journey successful.!

Bhavika Bhanushali

I was having Migraine and cholesterol problem. Was dealing with it since many years. Finally my husband saw drastic changes in his business partners health and his overall well being after doing Alive. My husband told me to go ahead with it and that's how I did 3 months Alive program. I have finished 3 months program and it has helped me get rid of Migraine and cholesterol. Have given me the understanding of the actual diet and how the gut works. I am doing much better in health and managing my time for it. Thank you Pooja Mahale my Nutrtionist and iThrive for all the support and guidance. God bless you guys. 😇

Varun Mahadkar

The iThrive 90 Day Alive program has transformed my approach to nutrition, revolutionizing my dietary habits and instilling a commitment to eating clean. Understanding the specific nutritional needs of my body through comprehensive blood test analysis was incredibly enlightening. Prerna played a pivotal role in guiding me through the program, providing invaluable support and encouragement to stay disciplined to reach my goals and overcome issues like GERD and liver dysfunction.
I would endorse this course to anyone seeking to rejuvenate their body and embark on a path of sustained, nourishing eating habits.

Santosh Shet

I was going through recurrent gastric issues, tried various options but no respite, joined iThrive, and within 6 weeks I saw visible improvements, their team has been extremely focused on treatment. to begin with, RCA was extremely detailed to the core of the issue, then their protocol was very good, follow up by the team was pretty regular, in addition some time we had trainings which were useful. they call the team Tribe and I am thrilled to be a member of their tribe....wishing Mugdha Pradhan, Abhishek, Suyesh, Shayonika, and the entire team the best for the future....Way to guys...

more love from our clients

Raisunnisa Khan

“For years I've been conscious about what I eat and have tried my best to follow the health 'gyan' available out there. However, all of a sudden I started observing multiple symptoms and for months I had no clue what went wrong. I was looking for an in depth explanation about my health issues and the cause. Then I came across Mugdha's TED talk related to functional nutrition, which led me to iThrive. Their root cause analysis gave me the answers I was looking for. By knowing health parameters, what's going right and what has gone wrong, I could finally understand the symptoms and eventually everything made sense.

When it comes to healthy eating habits, the rules are pretty generic. It was quite evident that some of my 'healthy' choices weren't exactly adding any value to my health goals, but rather making things worse in my case. I needed professional advice to evaluate my current choices and explanation on alternatives. After enrolling to iThrive's alive program, I realized how much we can change in a span of 3months. My nutritionist, Pakhi and health coach, Shagun have been really supportive and attentive throughout my journey with iThrive. Their encouragement and hand holding made it easier for me to adapt to new changes and it rather felt like a team effort.

Within a month, I could see clear improvement in main symptoms like constant dizziness, weakness, low energy levels. By the end of three month program, most of the issues related to hormonal imbalance, thyroid insufficiency are fixed, many deficiencies are taken care and I am sure with time things will get even better as my body has started absorbing nutrients. My weight has increased by 1.5kgs, my sinus allergy is manageable. More importantly, I don't feel depressed anymore, I am beginning to feel good and optimistic again. I have started meditation, have become conscious about quality of sleep and movement in regular intervals. I am now focusing on activites and hobbies which make me happy and healthy.

This whole program wouldn't have been possible without immense passion and kindness. Here the focus is the individual, not the set of symptoms. You feel like part of iThrive family, which assures you that you are not alone in this journey. The whole program is curated in a way that you can take complete ownership of your health and lifestyle and you don't have to depend on anybody. There is so much of knowledge sharing which can clear many misconceptions you have, to help you throughout your life. Along with healthy diet, they will also introduce you to other important aspects like meditation, exercise/movement, sleep, emotional and mental health for your overall health and wellness.

Signing up to this three month program is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. From defining the problem to guiding an individual to naturally take control of their choices and life, I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. I am truly grateful to Mugdha and whole iThrive team for this wonderful experience. Special thanks to Pakhi and Shagun for making huge difference in my life❤️ I wish this passion, dedication and kindness can touch every person who needs it and can transform all of us in our unique ways.

We are all heading towards reaching our full potential. If we keep reminding ourselves that atleast we shouldn't be hurting ourselves with wrong choices, then we will eventually learn to be more kind to our own selves and others too. iThrive is in a way reminding us to be kind in and out. I am thankful to iThrive, for everything I've learned in last few months. And I wish success in all our future endeavours.

Stay healthy and happy😊
Take care❤️

Ajay Purty

“I joined the iThrive Alive program two years ago, followed by a one-year maintenance program. My digestive system had gone haywire, and I was afraid to eat anything. I also had anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, and inflammation. It has been over six months since I completed the journey, and I can confidently say that my life has been entirely transformed. I'd want to convey my gratitude to my nutritionist Rashmi and my health coach Shagun. Both of them were exceedingly professional, caring, and polite, and they guided me in every way imaginable.

My 15-month journey was a period of self-discovery and healing. Aside from the tests/Root Cause Analysis and supplements, we had several discussions regarding a variety of topics such as relationships, finances, spirituality, social issues etc. These interactions helped me in letting go of negativity, taught me new perspectives on life, and improved my mental health.

As suggested by my coaches, I made significant changes in my life, such as eliminating certain foods, choosing healthier food options, having the right kind of light and plants in the room, avoiding hazardous chemicals etc. After a year and a half, my mental and physical health have greatly improved, and I feel more confident. I'd want to thank iThrive for being such a calming influence in my life and providing me with optimism at my most trying times

Meherunnissa Majid

“I was diagnosed as diabetic 2 years ago and I am chronic asthmatic. I was also told that my BP is on the higher side due to my excessive coughing. So I started exercising and 6 months later I was stronger and felt better but there was no change as such with all the above readings. I started searching for holistic ways of controlling my diabetes and BP and came across iThrive. I waited a few months due to the expense and wondering if it will really help me. Then out of desperation I joined iThrive. I thought I would give it my best and if things did not improve then be forced to take medications. I had a wonderful functional nutritionist Prerna assigned to me. She had a face-to-face online meeting with me once a week to see how I was fairing with the program and answered any questions and queries. Post 4 months (as I had to take a break for a holiday in between) my BP is back to normal; I don’t have to take diabetic medications right now and my asthma coughing is much better though not gone completely as it is an autoimmune disease. Now I have the education and the knowledge to follow this new path towards my own healing thanks to iThrive. I cannot recommend the team enough for all their hard work and commitment and dedication towards healing people. If health is your issue and even if it isn’t, try this program. It will teach you how to have a healthy relationship with your food.

Sandip Shet

“I had been badly suffering from acute gastric trouble, bloating, sleeplessness almost daily night since last 9-10 years. Kept on taking medicine as food daily, but in vain. Then I joined the iThrive ALIVE program on my son's persuasion without much expectation of getting any relief.

But after completing 2 months of this 3-months program, I started finding some relief gradually. And after completing 3 months of strenuous dietary restrictions, eliminations, change of lifestyle, meditation, stretches/exercises ..... etc along with various supplements as my ALIVE nutritionist kept on advising me, finally I could get rid of that painful trouble of bloating which I didn't have at all in last two weeks.

I was so glad to find so much improvement in the critical parameters like blood sugar, uric acid, creatine, TSH, Hb1Ac, ESR, fatty acids ..... with the help of various supplements consumed over these 3 months as specified to compensate the deficiencies in my health/body.
My total lifestyle had a significant change in last 3 months. Hope I can hold it and improve further by sincerely following the Maintenance Protocol assigned to me.

I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to the whole iThrive ALIVE team, specially Ms Sana, my nutrition expert whose subject expertise, sincerity, ownership, counseling skills and  intense monitoring of my activities/health only helped me to achieve whatever I could do till now. ❤️❤️🙏🙏

Lokayyagari Bhairava Prasad

“I'm Bhairava Prasad, working as a project manager for a German company in Hyderabad. I have known iThrive for a long time through Mugdha, who is the founder.

I have been facing the issues with digestive system (Gastric irritation and constipation), Low energy levels and High cholesterol.
I approached them with the intention to reduce the cholesterol and weight primarily (As it's directly related to heart and I don't want to take any risk neglecting it further).

As soon as I approached them, they have come with a customised protocol based on the findings in my blood tests.
And, it has been a fantastic and fulfilling journey with them so far. It's been 3 months and I lost around 5 kgs beleive me my cholesterol level has come to the optimal range( it was around >200 and came down to 100. My gastric irritation has completely gone now. My energy level have significantly increased.

I'm really great ful for your constant support cooperation.

Apeksha and Saloni, you are the best! I'm sure I have tested your patience (By not adhering to protocol, by cheat meals, no meditation, less water intake etc) enough times, however, you didn't lose hope on me.
The best part is I have never starved unlike many other diets. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Detox plan in the whole journey.

Thank you so much again the whole team. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️

Ankieta Wadke

“Huge appreciation for my health coach team - Merin, Shagun and Himani for supporting and guiding me through Alive program for 3 months. Many of my issues have been sorted out by now and feeling new me daily with some amazing nutrition tips from my team :) The diet they created for me to follow is doable and easy to stick too which I admire the most. I absolutely love how the program was crafted by Mugdha focusing more on the root cause, modern dietary habits and mental health of oneself. Hats off to whole iThrive team for impacting my life in a positive way and yes I am determined to continue the diet protocol and their amazing recipes in future, thanks a lot iThrive ! Cheers :)

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