Functional Nutrition is a novel method of holistic healing that is concerned with the optimal physiological, emotional and mental functioning of your body. Your body has the necessary constitution required to cure most diseases and illnesses, all it requires is a helping hand to do so. That is exactly what Functional Nutrition is about.
Here are 50 reasons why you must consult a Functional Nutritionist now:
1. Concept of long term medications - allopathy:
Many suffering from lifestyle diseases like atherosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and more live with the thought that the only way to live a healthy life is with the help of medication. But, Functional Nutrition helps in getting off medications by reversing diseases.

2. Understand why blood tests matter - Humans can lie but blood won’t :
Functional Nutrition works on the reversal and prevention of diseases through root cause analysis. This root cause is determined from your blood. There are many nutrient deficiencies and conditions that are the actual cause of a number of health problems but are hidden. Your blood test is the only way to uncover them.
3. Understand optimal ranges of nutrients:
The blood tests taken by normal doctors use ranges that are common for everyone. Whereas, a Functional Nutritionist uses optimal ranges that are based on a healthy person’s perspective and also takes into account age, sex and other parameters.
4. Safeguard against EMF:
Electromagnetic Frequencies have become one of the leading agents of toxicity in people's bodies and we don't even realize it as it does not leave any physical marks or identify it by. Functional Nutrition helps you reduce the effects of EMF and also helps you determine ways to prevent them.
5. Understanding food:
Foods that you consume have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition. Proponents of functional foods promote optimal health, help reduce the risk of disease and help individuals to understand the food consumed in-depth therefore the role of a functional nutritionist goes beyond just providing a list of foods to be consumed but actually understanding everything that you consume.
6. Reverse Chronic Diseases and Conditions:
More and More people are suffering from chronic diseases. A Functional Nutritionist with the help of Functional Medicine can reverse your chronic disease or condition that you may be suffering from a long time now.
7. Understanding organic - What is organic and what is pretend organic:
Not all food that is tagged as organic is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as human-made pesticides and fertilizers. Functional Nutrition will help you discern between what’s organic and what’s pretend organic.

8. Understand how each body needs are interconnected as a whole:
Your body is a single constitution that is interconnected in a web-like structure. One small issue in one part of the body can mess up a lot of other parts- internally and externally. So when you wish to treat one health issue you cannot afford to neglect other parts.
9. Safeguarding yourself against microplastic:
Microplastics have become a hazard that everyone is surrounded by and are very difficult to safeguard against. Even young babies are now born with traces of microplastics. A Functional Nutritionist helps you avoid and treat plastic toxicity.
10. Being Healthy:
The basic and most important factor is being healthy. In these grim situations of pandemics and health crises around the world. It is extremely important to be in good health. A Functional nutritionist gives you proper directives in terms of food, exercise and lifestyle to maintain good health.

11. Become more active:
Functional Nutrition helps you regain lost nutrients that lead to a boost in energy and build energy anew.
12. Want to build muscle:
Dietary protein provides the body with essential amino acids for building new muscle tissue after vigorous exercise. A Functional Nutritionist can help you understand your body’s needs specifically driven towards building muscle mass.

13. Getting rid of digestive problems:
One of the best ways to improve your digestive health is by maintaining a diet that is compliant with your body’s needs. This keeps the normal process of digestion running smoothly, helping to prevent constipation and maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining good gut health also has stress as an important factor to it. The need for an individual to feel good about their lifestyle and adapting to it in a positive manner can lead to a happier mindset.

14. Becoming more energetic:
The carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food provide calories to fuel exercise and energize your body. Having a proper functional diet helps in catering to the exclusive requirements of the nutrients of a particular individual.
15. Want better skin and hair:
Vitamin C helps you grow strong skin and hair, while vitamin A stimulates the turnover of skin cells for younger-looking skin. Functional nutrition can emphasize getting an adequate intake of these nutrients via a proper diet. Also, your lifestyle has a major impact on your cosmetic appearances such as skin and hair. Therefore along with a proper diet having a good healthy lifestyle is equally important. A functional nutritionist can guide and drive you towards achieving these targets in a positive way.
16. Increase attention span:
Research has shown that diet plays an important factor in developing ADHD among kids. An individual’s attention span can be improved with the help of a proper functional diet, by meditating and making positive changes in their lifestyle.
17. Weight loss:
While FAD dieting emphasizes calorie restriction and the elimination of whole food groups, a functional approach to nutrition focuses on making lifestyle modifications to eating behaviours, including small but regular adjustments to improve the overall quality of food consumed thus aiding in a better approach towards weight loss goals.
18. Want to know what you are eating is healthy:
Functional nutrition uses food as a natural medicine to help restore balance, replete nutrient deficiencies, heal the gut, and more, therefore leading to healthy eating habits.
19. Want more flexibility and mobility:
Stiffness in the body is quite common but unabating stiffness needs to be addressed ASAP. A functional nutritionist with the help of functional movement, diet, lifestyle changes and more can help you retain your lost flexibility and improve your mobility.
20. Have positive relationship with food:
When you have a positive relationship with food, physical nourishment no longer comes at the expense of mental health. Functional Nutrition can help greatly in this process.
21. Understanding social acceptance towards food:
Food is the biggest social connector. Your food habits largely relate to the social circles you frequent. Food can also be a point of acceptance. A Functional Nutritionist helps you understand how socially accepted food affects your body and minor changes you can make to make those same foods healthy.
22. Remove brain fog:
Brain fog is a term used to describe certain symptoms which can lead to disabling or disturbing an individual's ability to think. A Functional Nutritionist can help by improving your sleep cycle and reducing stress, a nutrient-rich diet is a must to improve concentration and focus and remove brain fog.
23. Want to understand different cooking methods:
With a broad education in nutrition, a functional nutritionist just to start with will have a better idea of how to adapt recipes for health-minded individuals and how to cook those recipes. Cooking food doesn't have to be boring.

24. Get rid of stress and mental fatigue:
A Functional Nutritionist with the help of food can help counter the impact of stress by shoring up the immune system and lowering blood pressure. Functional nutritionists can also help you make appropriate changes in your lifestyle and meditate to reach a peaceful mental state.
25. Listening to body signs:
A Functional Nutritionist helps bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be and help you to listen to what your body needs and demands for better health and lifestyle
26. Get rid of mood swings:
Foods can promote a balanced mood because it elevates your blood sugar and trigger the same pleasure centres in the brain that addictive drugs do. Mood swings could not just be in relation to diet but also to an individual's mental state or stress. A stress-free life with a good healthy lifestyle can help get rid of mood swings.
27. Stay focused and improve concentration:
Research has shown Vitamin B deficiency can make people lose focus easily. A proper nutrition-oriented diet along with a few changes in your lifestyle can help in staying focused and improving concentration.

28. Look more attractive:
Your skin, especially, is affected by the food and drink you consume – affecting your look and appearance of it negatively or positively. Overall, foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats result in glowing, hydrated skin while sugary foods and empty calories hurt your complexion.
29. Improve cognitive function in kids :
During childhood, undernutrition causes children to have less energy and less interest in learning, which negatively influences cognitive development and academic performance. Undernutrition will also affect physical growth and maturation, thus affecting growth rate, body weight, and ultimately, height. This shows the importance of having a good functional diet.
30. Get rid of emotional eating:
Finding comfort in food is common, and it's part of a practice called emotional eating. A good functional nutritionist can help you understand your need for emotional munching and help you overcome it.
31. Want to understand supplements:
Health professionals use dietary supplements regularly as part of their approach to a healthy diet and lifestyle therefore a functional nutritionist can help in understanding the usage and importance of supplements in a diet.
32. Prevent mental instability:
A healthy, well-balanced diet can help us think clearly and feel more alert. It can also improve concentration and attention span. Also, understanding your emotional and mental triggers go a long way in helping you prevent mental instability. A Functional Nutritionist may also take the help of spiritual methods to heal.
33. Prevention of genetic diseases:
Discuss your family's medical history with a Functional Nutritionist who after deep comprehensive testing can help prevent the onset of any genetic diseases with the help of food, supplementation, lifestyle changes and more.
34. Getting rid of anxiety and depression:
Nutrition regulates anxiety disorders by influencing the microbiome and inflammation. The gut microbiome and inflammation are interrelated and influence anxiety. If you are suffering the same, you need to indulge not just in good dietary habits but also in activities that help you feel happy. Communication is also a major key in helping oneself out of depressing situations. A good Functional Nutritionist gives you space to do so.

35. Want to understand and avoid cravings:
Food cravings can be caused by a variety of physical or mental factors and may be a sign of hormonal imbalances, a suboptimal diet, high-stress levels, or a lack of sleep or physical activity. A functional nutritionist can help greatly towards an individual understanding their cravings also the reason behind binge eating or emotional eating and help curb them.
36. Understanding Diseases:
A Functional Nutritionist helps you determine the root cause of a disease, the understanding of the mechanisms of its development, the structural changes associated with the disease, and the consequences of those changes.
37. Understanding Triggers:
Don’t understand why, sometimes, you suddenly get anxious or start getting panic attacks seemingly out of nowhere? A good functional Nutritionist creates a safe space for you to understand what triggers these episodes and also helps you treat them.
38. Prevent negative effects of bad habits:
Each and every individual has some or the other vices that they keep reverting to. A good Functional Nutritionist can help in preventing you from harming your body due to the bad habits which have been cultivated.
39. Understanding Safe Products:
There are toxins everywhere. The products you use affect your body the same way a harmful environment does. A Functional Nutritionist provides you with alternatives or the type of products that you must use to either minimize or prevent the levels of risk that are created.
40. Improving lifestyle to be sustainable:
Making short terms extensive changes to your diet and fitness routine may help you improve your health for a time being but, that doesn’t organically mean you are living at your optimum best. A Functional Nutritionist helps in making changes in your lifestyle, food and emotional state helping you retain your health lifelong by preventing chronic diseases and maintaining your bodies nutritional needs.
41. Get rid of toxicity:
The environment is brimming with toxicity that harms the body. Functional Nutrition helps in getting rid of this toxicity from our body and prevents it from leading to major chronic conditions.
42. Connect with your culture:
People also connect to their cultural or ethnic group through similar food patterns. Ancestors have been hunting for their food long before agriculture was ever a thing. Functional Nutrition helps you get in touch with your ancestors and their food habits.
43. Understanding the truth about FAD diets:
A fad diet is a trendy weight-loss plan that promises dramatic results. Typically, these diets are not healthy and don't result in long-term weight loss. Some diets can be dangerous to your health. Functional Nutrition can help you understand which parts of it you need to retain and which you must avoid at all costs.
44. Substitute wrong metals with the right ones:
Many people suffer from something called metal toxicity that might not even have any knowledge of. A Functional Nutritionist helps in determining these toxicities and how to treat them. Nutrition promotes vitality and an overall sense of health and well-being by providing the body with energy and nutrients that fuel growth, healing, and all body systems and functions.
45. Understand food product ingredients - read the label:
All food products have labels revealing the ingredients which are included but until you have proper knowledge of the said ingredients and skills to read whether whatever is written on the label is authentic or not, it’s useless.
46. Prevent conditions related to ageing:
Good nutrition is important, no matter what your age. It gives you energy and can help you control your weight. It may also help prevent some diseases, such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
47. Understanding the latest nutritional trends:
Today's consumers are looking for customizable foods, beverages, and dietary solutions that will help them more aggressively meet their own needs and requirements which leads to new nutritional trends. A Functional Nutritionist can help you understand if those trends are beneficial to you or not.
48. Going to doctors for diet advice - A big NO NO!:
Conventional doctors in their 4 or more years of study barely get any training in Nutrition. Only 25 hours or so and are not the correct authority to go to when it comes to your nutrition, while functional nutritionist makes it their life goal to understand nutrition. Taking dietary advice from a doctor might not be something you would want to do.
49. Find root causes of your front line/lifestyle diseases:
This factor could be summed up in a simple statement: Earlier the detection, the faster the cure. The onset of each disease has an underlying root cause. Detecting them not only helps in the prevention but can also cure most of the diseases.
50. Understanding calories:
100 calories of sugar are not equal to 100 calories of fish. Just counting down the number of calories you consume does not mean better health. There’s more to health than just calories. Counting calories removes hormonal balance from the equation.