How to boost the Immune system?

September 16, 2020

This is a transcript of the Facebook Live session that was held on 1st August. The link to the talk is here.

Hello! My name is Mugdha Pradhan and I’m the founder of Thrive FNC and we make diseases disappear.

So here we go, How does one boost the immune system? Stay till the end because I will be sharing the super-secret recipe right at the end of this session, which is of this tea that has really been instrumental in helping people recover within a day or two from random viral infections that have happened not just now with Covid-19 but even the past three years. It’s a secret recipe that Thrive has invented and I’m going to share that with you. So, stay connected!

Let’s start with What is immunity?

Immunity is a word that's been thrown around a lot, but if somebody had to ask you what is immunity- it’s two things. Either a good immune system offers you protection from pathogens and toxins, or a good immune system offers you resistance- so in case these things come into your body, your immune system is going to keep you protected. It's going to make sure that these pathogens and toxins don't harm you. And a healthier immune system won't even let these come into your body- it will just reject them outright. So, offering protection and resistance from pathogens and toxins is what a good immune system does and that is what it means to have good immunity.

I will talk about why we started talking about the immune system even before this COVID-19 thing happened. A lot of people who came to us for our consultations would often report random symptoms and they wouldn't know that these are the symptoms of actually having a dysfunctional immune system. So our immune system has two components one is your innate immunity; the immunity that you were born with.

And second is the adaptive immunity, so every time we're exposed to a new virus or a new toxin your body learns how to deal with that and then responds appropriately the next time you're exposed to that virus; this is what immunity building is all about. So, let's say there's a new virus in town, you're exposed to it. Your body reacts to it, your body fights with it, your body deals with it kills it and then in the end you have adaptive immunity towards that virus or that bacteria or that toxin. That is what your immune system is supposed to do. So the innate one is what you're born with, and the adaptive one is what happens as you go through life.

 And, you know, there are nearly 280 million I can't even remember the final number but there are that many viruses and bacteria in this world. We are 90% microbial DNA, only 10% human DNA. There are entire research studies about it so you know viruses aren't new; they've been on this planet much before humans came in, and we have them in our personal microbiomes. The problem is when the balance of the good ones goes down and when the bad ones come up that's when you start experiencing diseases.

So, there is really no point in drowning yourself in sanitizer because you are meant to have bacteria and viruses and fungi and parasites and all of them do different things in the body.

 Now, I spoke of how people came to us in our consultations with random symptoms and, you know, they wouldn't even know that this is the sign of a poor immune system. So most people know that getting fevers and colds, often is a sign of a really weak immune system, but often being tired, like this person in this picture is like alarms going off, but he's totally cool.

So being really tired feeling fatigue, having digestive issues- you're not being able to digest your food properly or having IBS or constipation also could be a sign that the immune system in the gut not functioning well, delayed wound healing- and issues like psoriasis, eczema, acne are also signs of the weakened immune system. This also is an indicator that your immune system is having a lot of trouble dealing with the toxins and the pathogens that are there in the environment. Not feeling well in life is also an indicator of having a weak immune system.

Now, how does one boost the immune system right? What does it take to have a really well functioning immune system? and How does one boost it? How does one make it better than what it is?

It's not complicated, but it requires a certain level of understanding of how the body functions. So, do you know what makes a good immune system?

You need nutrients, detoxification and you need to make sure that you don't have any diabetes or insulin resistance going around in your body, you need to make sure that you're getting enough sunlight; you need to make sure you're moving again (I'll tell you why) and you need to make sure your sleep is good too.

Why do you need the right nutrients?

Because nutrients are the raw material that your body uses to make the components of the immune system if you remember in the earlier slides that I spoke of innate and adaptive immunity, there are a lot of tiny things on the surface. These are different kinds of cells that your body creates as a part of your immune system; now these things need proteins, vitamin D, and also need all the complex vitamins. They need vitamin C. They need vitamin D. All of these things go into making ingredients of a really good immune system so you need the right kind of nutrients.

Second, you need to make sure that you don't have diabetes or insulin resistance going on in your body. Last week I  did a FB live about diabetes and the connection to Covid-19 because innumerable research studies are proving that anyone with diabetes, anyone with insulin resistance, and then, of course with the other metabolic health conditions like obesity and hypertension, is a much bigger risk of a poor outcome from Covid-19 and not just Covid-19, any infection would make it bad for your body if you had diabetes as an underlying issue.

So, first, make sure you have the right nutrients. Secondly, make sure you do not have insulin resistance and diabetes- if you already have that we can help you fix it. This is what we do; we reverse diabetes all the time because Indians are the world's leaders in diabetes, we have a genetic predisposition towards diabetes, so please watch my last session. It will really help you understand diabetes and the immune system connection. The third is to detoxify because if you have the toxic overload in your body your immune system gets compromised because the body's continuously trying to excrete these toxins. So, your resources are being utilized just for that in this scenario with if a new pathogen comes in, your body will find it very hard to deal with this. So, make sure your toxin levels are low.

Secondly, if you have a lot of tissue that has toxins in them, often viruses and bacteria go and find that diseased tissue and then start doing the replication work there. So, removing toxins from your body is essential for maintaining a good immune system. Third, then comes sun exposure and you can see how happy this lady is when she's out in the sun, most of us really like being in the sunshine and feeling happy. My yellow dress today is part of that sunshine code but sun exposure does something really important, it helps your body make vitamin D. Vitamin D is extremely integral to have a fully functioning immune system. Again with COVID people who look seemingly healthy; you know the young ones who died or the ones who are not obese and they died they had severe Vitamin D deficiencies and people are like COVID can attack anyone.

It's not really that if you look at the correlation between the vitamin D levels and the outcome of a COVID-19 infection those with lower levels are the ones who had the worst time with COVID-19. So, getting enough vitamin D in your body is really important. Sun exposure does a lot of other good things also which again if I start talking about it will go for a two-hour session but sun exposure is really important to keep your immune system high. I mean, at a high level.


So I wouldn't say the word exercise as much as I like using the word move because exercise makes you think of exercising for one hour in the gym and being sedentary and that one hour in the gym is not as beneficial as moving throughout the day. Maybe one day I would do a session on movement with my own trainer he goes by the handle Go check it out. He makes really good points about how movement throughout the day is important. But when you move it helps your body get from a metabolic low-efficiency state and it keeps your metabolic efficiency at a higher state and that is very important in ensuring a better place.

And the last point sleep, I cannot emphasize how important sleep is because what sleep does and what happens during sleep is a restorative and regenerative process so there's a lot of repair work that happens during that period. So, if you're not sleeping then your body doesn't get an opportunity to repair itself. So, sleeping at a set time and waking up at a set time every day is the best thing you can do in your system. A lot of people have trouble with good quality sleep. That's again something we help people with because that can happen due to multiple reasons so we have to find your sleep qualities and we can help you with that.

Now how do you know if you have all of these things working well for you or not and that's what I want to talk about it's really important to find your own personal immunity status so we do our work with blood test we always begin when somebody comes to us for like a health issue like Fibromyalgia or PCOD or diabetes.

 We always begin our work with a blood test. And even when it comes to understanding somebody's immunity, your blood test is where the answer lies because if you see this one you can see the signs of deficiencies that are visible here right so many deficiencies be B12, B6, vitamin C, and then you can see that the immune system is also compromised, all the components of the WBC the white blood cells are not working well. 

You can see that there is a severe level of inflammation, there are a lot of these allergies, there are toxins that are there so getting your blood tests done will let us know if you if you're deficient in any of the nutrients I spoke of earlier, it will let us know if you have diabetes and insulin resistance which has not been detected by conventional medicine yet. It will help us know if there’s toxin overload.

If your vitamin D levels are really low sun exposure is not going to do it quickly. You will need to supplement with good quality vitamin D and again with vitamin D if you over supplement, it can lead to calcification in the kidney. So, you have to be very careful with supplements, it will let us know if you're having adrenal dysfunction because the sleep is not going well. So, my recommendation to everyone, honestly, at this time, is to get your blood test done and find out where you are because you know what, like right now there's a first wave going on it's at the end like lockdowns have been lifted. We are seeing that the number of cases is increasing. So, I'll get to what I'll talk of, when will this coronavirus pandemic be over. But my recommendation is that everyone gets their blood test done now, because, you know, you're going to need time to figure out how to fix it before things could get worse in case.

Okay, so moving on.

What are the foods that you should eat and what are the nutrients you need to get through food?

So, for a good immune system, you need very good quality protein. You need your all your B complex vitamins so your B1, B2, B6 to B12  all of those complex vitamins is something that you need; you need your vitamin C, you need vitamin D, which is a little hard to get from food, it's easier to take vitamin D from exposure to the sun and then supplementing and then you need zinc which is a critical nutrient when it comes to good immune system. Where are these nutrients found in the largest density?

So my take is, doing this for nearly three years working with people. What I've seen is animal foods are the most nutrient dense when it comes to all of these nutrients now. Ideally, in India, of course, beef is not possible but red meat like Mutton. I don't recommend fish too much because seafood is clearly contaminated with a lot of toxins in the ocean. Eggs are also good as well.

If you're a vegetarian for ethical religious reasons and you just can't tolerate the idea of eating meat, then pulses and legumes are where you might take your protein from. You can get zinc from pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and can get zinc a little bit from sesame seeds. Vitamin C though you'll get it from oranges, kiwis and sometimes from broccoli. If you had to ask me the most nutrient-dense food that will give you a lot of these nutrients without having to struggle so much I would recommend liver, either beef liver, mutton liver, because that has a punch of nutrients and the problem with this is it is tough you know this is a very generic recommendation what happens to a lot of people is they're often sensitive to different kinds of food, especially the ones who are vegetarians and cannot think of eating meat.

You might be sensitive to a lot of foods that you're eating and that can build up your toxin load. So, there are foods that are very high in oxalates for example. Now these oxalates can build up in your body and they give you their own diseases which might mimic an immune system not being good but it's because of the oxalate, so with food why I don’t give generic advice, I really think it's important that each person finds out what works for their body best because like I said when we do the blood test and we find out there maybe 10 things that are going wrong, then you need to find out which foods are going to help fix those 10 things without adding on too many additional problems in the body so that's what we do.

We have a ThriveIn3 program which is three months of personalized nutrition coaching. We work with people to kind of find out what works and what doesn’t work for their body.

Okay so you know chickpeas give you a problem if you're a vegetarian then maybe we can do some low oxalate pulses like maybe red gram tur or we can do maybe some rice, which is low in oxalates and still continue to create a personalized menu plan. That's what we do in those three months. So, if you're a non-vegetarian and then you're worried about saturated fat or you're worried about knowing the quality of meat you're eating or forgetting all the other nutrients. We can help you figure that out if you're a vegetarian, and you really don't know where to get your protein from, talk to us and we'll help you create your own personalized plan that's what we do primarily.

 Now, this is about what you should be eating, and then we move on to the biggest question that everyone has had; when does this pandemic end? Coronavirus Kab Khatam Hoga?

 So the virus really doesn't end, what happens is people become immune to it as a community.

So sitting at home, social distancing doing lockdowns is of no use because, at some point or the other, you are going to be exposed to this virus which is part of our ecosystem it's part of our environment it's there.

So secondly you can be afraid of it and try to isolate yourself but if you intend to be a social creature like most human beings are designed to be, you are going to be exposed to it and it is a good thing because that is how the herd community is built. As the virus starts moving on, more and more people get exposed to it more and more people become immune to it, they recover from it and then overall the community becomes immune to the virus and then the virus doesn't affect us. That is how you build immunity to a virus.

So that's why I say the community is your immunity. Alone you cannot be immune to anything; only when the community achieves immune status, then you really have herd immunity. This is how a pandemic ends, is this really a pandemic. Is this as grown-up as it is, as the media makes it out to be not the topic for discussion, you can go check my Facebook feed and then you will see what my opinion about that is, but even if it was assumed this is a pandemic. This is the only way to end the pandemic with herd immunity.

So, then the question that a lot of people have been asking me, which is the most interesting question but I won't have enough time to talk about it. Is there a cure for coronavirus?

No, there isn’t. The vaccine is not the answer. The only cure for a pandemic is exposure, build herd immunity and make sure your personal immune response is so strong that no virus can collapse. That is your job, your job is not to sit in, put sanitizer all over yourself, your job is not to buy the biggest and the prettiest mask and wear it on your face. That is not it, that is what the government is asking you to do that's what media is asking you to do the only thing that one needs to do is build your immunity, take responsibility for your health, build your immunity so when you're exposed to any virus in the future whether Covid-19 or Shitshow-20.

It doesn't matter what the name of the virus is as long as you build your own personal immunity and then the question is when should you do it. At what point of time should you start building your immunity when I would say the time is now because already they are talking of a second wave and it's quite likely that won't happen because in winter, the flu season is on anyway and maybe by October November, you might have a second wave of the viruses that can come.

 Now, at that point of time if your body is not ready to fight the virus, you are going to experience really a difficult time, so the time to build your immunity is today. It is now and now is the time to start. You have three months before the second wave comes. Do it now.

Going on to the vaccine, a lot of people are like vaccines will come, I can take a vaccine and go out kind of a thing which is, I find it ridiculous because if you knew what vaccines did to the human body you'd never think of a vaccine as a cure. And I really do not have time to talk about vaccines right now but about maybe a month ago, we did a live session on vaccines, it was nearly one and a half hours. Some of the best speakers who understood vaccines in depth were on board and five of us did a vaccine live. It's on Thrive FNC’s YouTube channel, please go watch it if you are somebody who's waiting for a vaccine as a cure.

Trust me on this vaccine is not a cure, vaccines do nothing to grow your adaptive or innate immunity. It's just something that the pharmaceutical companies actually create for a lot of chronic health problems because they have fetal genetic material they have dog and cat DNA in there, go watch this talk, and learn what vaccines really are, and then decide what you should be doing or you should be building your immunity with natural systems that I showed just six things, food, sleep, sun exposure, detoxification, movement, and I forgot what the last one was but maybe we'll go back to the slide because for me it's just these six things.

Instead of waiting for one injection to cure, it is important to build your immunity. Okay, if you are someone eagerly waiting for the vaccine to come, Go watch this vaccine talk on Youtube which we did a month ago. It will really give you a lot of insights on what vaccines are.

Oh, I forgot to ask this question. I hope people didn't see the slide so I had told my team that if anybody guesses us the ingredients of this secret concoction that we have. I will offer them a free consultation.

So, I tell you why this is so special. So this is something that we invented because we kind of found out all the herbs from the kitchen that had antiviral antibiotic effects, I wouldn't recommend drinking concoction or tea like this on a daily basis because even the ingredients in this if consumed every day would have a negative effect, but if you're experiencing an infection. Then at a time like this, it really works well.

One and a half weeks ago I experienced the beginning of a really nasty viral infection. My throat was all itchy, scratchy, hurting and swollen. I drank this throughout the day, I just took my zinc. I took an extra dose of vitamin D and I'm telling you in 24 hours I was out of it.

Somebody else I knew was experiencing the same symptoms on day one and they took four days to recover from this, this tea has helped a lot of people cut down their infection time so I want you all if any of you can guess out what are the ingredients in this.

 I'm going to give you about one minute to type out the ingredients. The one that is the most accurate gets a consultation for me, that's a promise. So, your one minute starts now.

Okay. The yellow color is a giveaway. Everyone knows that, everybody I think has been drinking a lot of it but there are other ingredients that you might not be able to guess.

And another 10 seconds….

And I think, time's up. So, I'm now going to show what it's made of. And tell you why it is so good, please remember this is only when you feel that you have an active infection, don't overdose on this because turmeric interferes with detoxification pathways.

So, there is turmeric in it, there is black pepper and then there is oregano and then thyme in it. So, all of these are antiviral and antibacterial when taken for a short while you have an active infection. Do not overindulge in it because each of them then can interfere with your detoxification pathways but it's very simple to make.

You just have to boil one cup of water, and add these ingredients, boil it for another 10 minutes and then links to cover it and let it steep for five minutes and then you could add honey after the boiling is completed one teaspoon of raw organic wild Honey which is not pasteurized and then drink it hot and share this with your family and friends I'm telling you this is like a superpower tea it really cuts down infection time it really does I've seen it work not just in my case but almost everyone sees who gets infections, right. So that's the end of what I wanted to say.

 And now we'll do the questions.

Q. Where do you get zinc?

A. Okay, so you can check Thrive’s website we do have a supplements link, which is linked to Amazon supplements but you know before you start supplementing with anything it's really important to know what is your internal status because we don't want you to get an overdose of any nutrient right, anything in excess also is bad, even vitamin D. So always get your blood test done, then find out what your internal status is and then learn if you need to supplement.

Q. Any suggestions on how to detox toxins from tissues?

A. Yes, but detox also takes a little planning so first, we have to make sure your body's resources are right and then it actually needs good levels of protein.I did a session on toxins and detoxification two weeks ago. It is available on our YouTube channel, you could go watch that and then after that, if you have any questions, I could answer those. If you do your blood test and come, I could help you figure out what really needs to be done.

 Q. Would you say that there's a certain quantity beyond protein intake that can be harmful?

A. Sure, but I find that most people aren't even consuming the bare minimum level of protein that they need. Depending on if you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

 Q. Is it very important to do blood tests?

A. It is really important because if you overdose, then for example vitamin D; too much of vitamin D will then start utilizing calcium and then magnesium status will start getting depleted; then your omega -3 will start affecting,  any nutrient deficiency is bad right so it's always good to get tested before you start supplementing. Do not supplement randomly and you know what I don't even recommend calcium supplements until I know that there is a significant calcium deficiency. If your diet is very high in oxalate and calcium can start binding with oxalate that is creating stones so it's really better to get your blood tests done and then figure out whether you need a supplement and then which kind of supplement because if you do have high oxalate then you need calcium citrate. If you don't, maybe some other calcium will work for you and maybe you don’t need to take calcium at all.

Q. Any other micronutrients needed to boost immunity?

A. I spoke of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and all the B complex vitamins, these are really critical for immunity specifically you need a lot of other nutrients in your body you need magnesium, for example, to make sure all the systems are running well. But zinc is the most critical one.

Q. Can you please let me know if our diet provides us enough of these nutrients if we are taking a balanced diet?

A. This would be an individual answer to your question. Better we talk after the session, set up something and then we can talk about what it is that you're eating and, like, figure out if it's really a balanced diet or not.

Q. What Indians follow is a balanced diet or not?

A. No, I wouldn't call that a balanced diet, we eat a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, we have a lot of refined oils in our food every cuisine right so it's not just Maharashtrian or it's not just South Indian, not just North Indian. Every cuisine uses a lot of refined oils in their cooking, and that is not a balance at all that should be there that it begins from there. It starts with that. Even if you don't have sugar and jaggery right, most of us are cooking with oil and that ends up putting a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids in our diet and that puts in too much omega six and that is what really creates this insulin resistance and diabetes that's why Indians are the worst in diabetes; the one reason is our genes, of course. Secondly, the amount of refined oil that we use in our food is very high, most Indian diets have chapati as one of the main courses and there is not a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs in Indian diets, I would disagree with that, that's why. See if we were eating the right food, we would have been a healthy population, and if we were a healthy population COVID would come and go and nothing would have happened to us. But if you're looking at what the media says the status is, I really doubt how bad it is, but people are dying, they're often dying because of other comorbidities. In fact, two years ago I was looking at the data 58 lakh people died because of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart problems and high bp that's I don't know as of today how many COVID deaths are there but I'm sure it's 1% of the 58 lakhs. It's definitely not as high as that. So, more people died of chronic diseases in India and they've died of any infection, and if Indian food was really that balanced, we wouldn't have this chronic disease epidemic that was happening so no our diet is not balanced. It is deficient in nutrients; it's called the wrong ratios of all nutrients macros and micros.

Q. What is your say on immunity pills which people are randomly taking during this pandemic?

A. I really don't know what those are, like, I don't understand how you can get immunity in pills, because then if immunity was available in a pill. Nobody would have poor immune systems like we just take up and be happy your immunity is made by your body. There are some homeopathic medicines that can help with your immune response but if you have diabetes, if you have deficiencies we're not taking it I'm saying if you're not getting enough protein What can one tablet do maybe a placebo effect maybe it will just give you peace of mind and taking the standards of COVID and maybe that kind of creates a sense of immunity around you but that's not really going to create a good immune system you need to do this work. You have to do this on your own and then your immune system will reward you with the kind of response it's supposed to give you, you cannot take a pill and have a good immune response.

Q. Do you think alcohol intake affects immunity?

A. Of course, it does. It actually impacts a liver pretty badly. Your liver plays a major role in your immune system. Also, your liver is a place where a lot of your nutrients are stored, a lot of your nutrients are metabolized, your protein breakdown re-synthesis your fat metabolism, all of that happens in the liver. Plus, your glucose stores in the liver so if you drink alcohol you're basically hurting your liver and then because the liver is hurt, it can do its job then and that impacts our entire immune system so you know the worst thing that the government did was it opened up all liquor stores and closed down gyms. How is that going to help anyone respond better to a virus? I don't understand how you can drink alcohol and become healthier instead of going to a gym and working out, and more or less not a good idea if you are looking at boosting your immune system.

Q. How can we stop hair fall, I’m  having multivitamins and a balanced diet?

A. So that balanced diet answer I just gave because what people consider a balanced diet, often is not is really an imbalanced one secondly, with hair fall, it could be a thyroid issue and it could be a deficiency issue so unless you look at your blood test, I really wouldn't know I personally experience a lot of hair fall when I was plant-based for nearly two and a half, three years and I kept trying to not look at it and deny that I was having deficiencies, but those deficiencies were what was triggering my blood, but because I knew that so often I knew that what was happening. So it could be both.

Q. I have type two diabetes. I've been on medication for the last seven years. Do you think this can make me more affected?

A. Yes it can, it really can. Because see this COVID virus goes and attaches to the ACE-2 inhibitors in your cells and when you're diabetic there's a higher expression of that so again we'll get technical Well, You know what, let's have a conversation. After this, either tomorrow or on Monday and I can explain this entire mechanism to you. That's why as a diabetic, you are at a higher risk of COVID-19 what really happens, let's do that.

Q. Does too much water fasting result in losing roughage and does it impact the mucosal membranes?

A. Well, it really depends because if you're doing water fasting like say in a keto-adapted phase of your body it's not going to create too much of an impact but if you're doing water fasting when you are deficient in nutrients. That is not a great idea. So, there is a chance that yes, your mucosal layer might get consumed but I personally find water fasting at least once or twice a week beneficial but I know what I eat on the other five days of the week. And that's how I can sustain water fast. There are people who've done water fasting for 15 days, 22 days. I haven't really researched how they do it but I know for sure that if you're in a keto-adapted state or if you're somebody who's doing like a carnivore diet then water fasting has lesser negative impacts it actually benefits the body more.

Q. Does pollution reduce immunity and what we should do?

A. Yes, pollution reduces immunity because a lot of the toxins are exogenous if you want a toxin talk that we did two weeks ago I speak of sources of toxins and toxins into your body, primarily because of the toxin exposure pollution can reduce your immunity so one of the things that I have done for myself that I recommend to patients at thrive is making sure your indoor pollutants are at a minimum level you can bring in a lot of air-purifying plants and keep them in your house, so the time that you spend at home that time; that you're spending sleeping at least that your breathing is clean, is possible, move out of the polluted area and do regular detox because then detox will help pull out these toxins that build up in your body so detox like I said needs a little bit planning. Again, if you want to talk about it separately, we could set up a call, and also you can watch the live show that I did two weeks ago and come back if you have more doubts.

Q. Are you generally in favor of eating small frequent meals.

A. This is a very good question and I actually used to practice this, even for my patients that eat small frequent meals often and have a steady release of glucose in your bloodstream and have a steady adrenaline response. But what I found now that as you're learning more is that, in fact, it's better for your body to not have a constant stream of insulin and it is better to have controlled insulin because every time your body releases insulin to push the glucose into your cells and use it for energy production. So, if you're doing that, like if you're eating every two hours, your body is releasing insulin continuously and that continuous insulin release can then create the metabolic health complications that I spoke of last week in my diabetes talk. So, what we are finding and what is showing now that it's better to eat lesser meals and stay in a fasted state for longer. Again, the thing is if you're deficient, or if your insulin response like if you are hypoglycemic if you have Type One Diabetes then fasting, actually becomes dangerous because it could go into like a hypoglycemic coma. So, my recommendation is that people don't eat small frequent meals because that's what I've learned now. But, again, to plan that for any one person, I would need to first check their internal health status to figure out if that's a safe thing for them to do and then recommend that to them.

Q. When you talk of oil, which oil would you suggest to use?

A. I actually don't recommend any refined oils. Even ordinary oil is not good oil, any plant-based oils are very high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, whether they're cold pressed, or pressed extracted by unicorns living on Everest, it doesn't matter. They do not have the right ratio of fatty acid, they will trigger insulin resistance and diabetes in a human beings body, and this is universal, not just in India, this is across the globe, refined or unrefined vegetable oils trigger insulin resistance and diabetes, so I don't recommend using any oil at all.

Q. How about pregnant women, their immune system behaves very differently, how could they cope with this pandemic thing?

A. That's a very good question we actually have been discussing pregnancy and immunity internally within the team also so you know the things that are recommended, the nutrients that anybody needs is what a pregnant woman should eat, and generally what happens in pregnancy is if you haven't got underlying health issue that was there before pregnancy that it's a reflex activated during pregnancy because pregnancy is very demanding on a woman's body. For this really, I can’t give a generic answer at all it really requires is looking at your case and then recommending a more personalized diet should be.

All right, so I am going to end the session. Thank you all for being such a lovely audience.

Thank you so much for being here.  This video will be saved on the page and you can come back and refer to it and I look forward to helping you solve your chronic health issues.


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